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Although Mr. Stephany is probably best known for his unique Cliche-Verre imagery, he has produced a large body of work dealing with different themes and ideas. On the page below is a small glimpse of that work.

Long before receiving any formal training, Mr. Stephany was an active photgrapher. His interest in photography began while still in the service. In a series which he's titled, The Non-War Years Mr. Stephany takes a biographical and sometimes even humorist look at what that period of time in his life was like. This series, which has never before been fully published or exhibited illustrates perfectly the early beginnings of his career and how he wonderfully mastered photography in a completely non-abstract manor before turning to nonrepresentational art.

"Steetcar Named Desire" 1950

Mr. Stephany often enjoyed presenting the familiar world to us in unfamiliar ways. The series Graveyard World is one such example of that. Taken at an old abandoned junk yard, these photographs illustrate the blending together of man-made objects with nature. The mysterious beauty of this bizarre combination is something that only Mr. Stephany's camera can capture so poetically.

"Machine and Weed" 1970

Having been a long-term resident of Maryland, Mr. Stephany has at times made the area which surrounds him the subject of his photographic work. In a series titled, Radiant Bay which was part of a commissioned work for Equitible Trust Bank, Mr. Stephany focused on the part of the landscape which has always fascinated him most, the water. In this extraordinary collection, Mr. Stephany explores not only the Bay but also the people and places which comprise the environment around it.

"Untitled" 1980

After getting married in 1956, Mr. Stephany traveled from his hometown of Rochester New York to California to take a summer workshop with Ansel Adams at his house in the heart of Yosemite Valley. Along the way, Mr. Stephany visited many sites including the Grand Canyon, Wupatki National Monument and Mesa Verde just to name a few. Mr. Stephany also traveled north to Point Lobos to meet and purchase prints from Edward Weston. This series captures all the facinating places along way using the now famous, Zone System technique.

"Ansel Adams" 1956

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